New Features

How to use Trade Winds Studios Connect - for Volunteers and Managers

New Features

    • Now supports for organization specific views of the Marquee, Search, & Calendar
    • Synchronizes Events & Signups with VAN. (Waiting on VAN to approve issuing API keys.)
    • /Organization/Profile and /Event/Profile now have metadata to improve their ranking in Google & Bing search.
    • Download to CSV file: Organizations, Followers, Events, & Signups
    • Event shifts can limit availability to users that have specific skills and/or certifications.
    • Country/State Admins can invite users to create a Campaign/County/Issue organization. This way the user instead of the Country/State admin fills out the form for a new organization.
    • Notification emails now set Reply To appropriately
    • Change app name from Ohana to Connect
    • Changed website color from purple to blue