Miscellaneous Notes
Other Detailed Items
- Claims - what claims are, how they work.
- Tasks - what an task is, how they work.
- Notifications - how you set your notifications.
- Notification From - who the sender is for notifications.
- Search - how to use advanced search capability.
- New Features - What we’ve added to the program.
- Bugs - List of known bugs.
Maximum Signups to a Task
A task can have a maximum number of signups allowed. This is enforced at the time a page is displayed to a user, not at the time they sign up. So if there is 1 slot left, and 4 users are viewing that task, all 4 can then click to signup and that will be accepted.
So the maximum is a loose limit that will allow a small over enrollment depending on the timing of the last signup.
Your name (and the name of organizations, attributes, and the subject of tasks) cannot have the characters ()<>{}[]#@,.:;"
in them. All other special characters, including ‘ are allowed. This is to avoid conflicts in search queries.
Virtually every text field you enter will trim off leading and trailing whitespace when saving it.
Phone Numbers
Extensions will generally be entered as (303) 555-1212 x1234
. And there are people who prefer 303-555-1212
or 303.555.1212
to (303) 555-1212
. So the program accepts anything for the phone number. However, when verifying the number as valid, it is passed to Twillio and if Twillio can’t figure it out, then you will be prompted to correct it.
Time Zone
All date and times are displayed in your timezone. So a task in New York set for 4:00pm, if you are in California, will be displayed as 1:00pm. In short, a task does not have a DateTime, it has a DateTime plus a TimeZone.
As to what timezone is used to display for you, if you set the timezone in your account profile, it will use that timezone. So if you set it to Pacific Time Zone, and you are in New York, you will see the time of all tasks in California time.
If you do not set it in your account profile, then it will use the timezone reported by the browser as the timezone you are in. This usually works. First, if you flew to New York, but your laptop is set to Pacific Time, then the browser on your laptop will report Pacific Time. Second, the browser sometimes returns a “time zone” that is not a recognized value. In that case, all the system can do is use the timezone of the server, which will usually not be the timezone you are in.
Finally, when an task is created, it gets the timezone for that task not from the address of the task’s location, but from the timezone of the user creating the task. So if a user is in New York, set to the Eastern Time Zone, and they are creating an task in California, the timezone of that created task is Eastern Time Zone, not Pacific Time Zone.
Splitting a Recurring task
An task event that occurred in the past cannot be edited or deleted. It happened, is closed, and therefore is now immutable.
Therefore, when you have a series, and you wish to edit or delete it, there has to be a different treatment for past instances as they are closed and therefore immutable, and future instances which are fully editable/deletable.
Note: A series that has not started yet is fully editable/deletable. A series that has ended is fully closed and full immutable. The split issue only occurs for a series that has both past and future instances.
When the appointment datetimes and/or recurrence rules are edited, or the series is deleted, then the existing series is ended now. And for the edited case, a new series is created from now going forward.
To get deep into the implementation (you don’t need to know this), the new end date is not set to now. It is set to the end of the last instance that occurred before now. If you split/delete an “every Tuesday” series on a Thursday, the end of the completed series will be Tuesday (two days ago), not Thursday (now).