Volunteer User Guide

How to use Trade Winds Studios Connect - for Volunteers and Managers

Volunteer User Guide

Thank you for signing up. Please first completely fill out your user profile. This enables the AI to show you tasks you will find more interesting. For example, if you select the tag for Environmental Issues then tasks concerning environmental issues will be placed higher in the list.

Your Address

Entering your address accomplishes two things. First, we can then show you events near to you. To accomplish this please at least enter your zip code.

Second, the party and campaigns track your efforts to better understand each voter. There is value in this for the party/campaign, and for you. By letting them tie your volunteer work to your voter record, they can then reach out to you better. So please consider entering your full address.

Finding tasks

You have three approaches to finding tasks

  1. Search This is similar to Google search where you enter the words that it searches the tasks to find the best matches. This ranking of the results also uses your user profile settings to better rank the results. (see also Advanced Search) This provides both a list and map view of the results.
  2. Calendar This will look like your Outlook or Google calendar. It is limited to organizations you follow and lets you find tasks based on when it is convenient for you.
  3. Marquee This is like the front of the movie theater where it shows you upcoming tasks. The ordering in the marquee is based on your user profile.

In addition, the Search can be used to search for organizations also/instead. This is useful to find organizations you may wish to follow.

Your settings in your user profile are key to helping the AI deliver to you tasks you will want to sign up for. Do not select organizations, interests, etc. that you should like. Enter the ones you do like. Be honest as the computer will not judge you. And with clear guidance, the AI can then give you tasks you will enjoy performing.

Additional Pages

Your dashboard, which you should view as your home page, lists for you the tasks you have upcoming, and the past tasks that you did attend. This also lists the AIs best guess as to the next couple of tasks you might want to attend.

If you are interested in a task, please mark interested. Even if you decide not to attend, that interested helps the AI learn better what to show you. And there’s no downside to marking that you are interested.

In the dashboard page you will be asked to rate the tasks you have completed. This is incredibly important. First off, it helps the AI do a better job of determining what tasks to show you in the future. Second, it helps the party and campaigns learn what tasks work, and which ones don’t.

Advanced Functionality

  • Registration & Login Issues
  • Search will generally work as you expect. But if you want to make use of advanced capabilities in search, read this.
    • Help us help you when searching. If you fill out all of your account profile, our recommendation engine (which performs the search) can deliver better matches.
  • We are careful to only notify you (email & text) when you want (no SPAM!). Read this for the details.
  • If you have suggestions to improve the product - please tell us.
  • As a volunteer you can create tasks. There are limits to this, read this to learn more about this functionality.
  • List of new features.